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Another Day in Utah


To help the street-style dancers of Salt Lake City showcase their amazing talent and reach a broader audience.


For many dancers in Utah, they possess the talent and drive, yet lack access to opportunities to showcase their abilities in projects that could propel them towards their dreams. Unlike dancers in cities like Los Angeles or New York, where professional video projects are abundant, they struggle to secure jobs and build their careers. 


To assist young, talented dancers, our plan was to create a music video-style series, focusing specifically on those with the potential to secure contracts and employment outside the state, but who required assistance in gaining recognition. Additionally, we enlisted established dancers who had spent decades cultivating their followings to feature in the videos, thereby introducing their fans to the new talent they might not have encountered otherwise.


The result was a series that premiered on Instagram and played on TikTok and YouTube. There were a lot of laughs, a lot of stories and a lot of dancers who were excited to have another video to show off and help book jobs.